Teaching at SDSU

  1. CompE260, Data Structures and Object Oriented Programming in C++
  2. EE600/CompE596, Machine Learning for Engineering
  3. Comp560, Computer and Data Networks
  4. CompE696, AI for Unmanned Systems 

Teaching Prior to SDSU


  1. COSC 3370, Software Engineering - 2016 Fall, 2017 Fall
  2. COSC 3336, Introduction to Database Systems - 2017 Spring, 2017 Fall
  3. COSC 5590, Special Topics: Statistical Machine Learning - 2018 Spring
  4. ENGR 4390, Special Topics: Control Systems II - 2018 Fall
  5. COSC 5999, Advanced Research in Computer Science - 2018 Fall, 2019 Spring
  6. GSCS 6996 Research - 2018 Summer
  7. COSC 5398, Thesis I - 2018 Fall, 2019 Summer
  8. COSC 5399, Thesis II - 2019 Spring, 2019 Summer


  1. EENG 2710, Digital Logic Design - 2016 Spring